Jewelry Care


Silver is one of the most beautiful metals that are formed and used especially in jewelry, but after a while the silver gloss is affected by oxidation. Care of silver works to maintain and shine for longer.

 Avoid chemical contact like perfume

It is best to avoid approaching to chemicals and detergents in order to maintain the color and non-interaction with silver metal, which may lead to change the color according to the chemical that has been touched with.

Properly storing silver maintains its gloss

Store the silver in a dry, non-wet place and place each piece individually in a small plastic bag in separate sections inside your jewelry box.

Use a cloth to polish the silver

Continuously polish silver with diamond polishing cloth. This method ensures great shine every time and is a very easy way. This cloth is available in places where computer accessories are sold and also in jewelry shops.

Remove Your Jewelry Before Doing Sports.

Human body may produce substances that cause oxidation to silver because of direct contact between body skin and silver metal. Over time it may cause changing the color of silver.

Remove Your Jewelry Before Going to Bed.

Jewelry may be mixed with clothing or body parts or sweating while you sleep, which may cause damage, cut or oxidation to silver.

Avoid Contact With Water.

There is a percentage of chlorine in the water and may cause over time by reducing the silver luster. When bathing or washing, invisible impurities may be inserted inside the zircon or stones, causing the luster to extinguish.

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